Category Archives: Information Architecture

Information Architecture

Security usability: Designing usable software security measures

Security is critical in many software applications, but security measures often are seen as annoyances that negatively impact the user experience. The essential purpose of security, however, is to protect users (and other stakeholders) from more serious negative experiences. For … Continue reading

Posted in Information Architecture, Psychology for UX Design, Usability, User Experience Design | Leave a comment

Designing error-handling for maximum usability in your application

The way a software application handles errors can have a big impact on user satisfaction and usability, and so error handling deserves close attention from user interface designers. Errors are unexpected or undesirable situations that prevent the normal operation of … Continue reading

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How to name things in your application

Humans use language to think and communicate, and when we think and speak about things and concepts in the world, we use names or labels to refer to those things. In other words, names are linguistic handles that refer to … Continue reading

Posted in Information Architecture, Psychology for UX Design, Usability, User Experience Design, Visual Design | Leave a comment

Choosing an interaction style for your application

One of the first things to be decided in creating your application’s interaction concept is to decide on the general interaction style, by which we mean the fundamental way that the application presents itself to the user and allows functionality to … Continue reading

Posted in Information Architecture, Product Management, Psychology for UX Design, Usability, User Experience Design, Visual Design | Leave a comment

How do users learn and use software applications? An introduction to mental models

As your users learn to use your software application, website, or device, they gradually form a mental model of how it works and how to operate it. A mental model is a conceptual representation, in a user’s mind, of how … Continue reading

Posted in Information Architecture, Psychology for UX Design, Usability, User Experience Design | Leave a comment

What is Information Architecture and why is it important in software application design?

Can your users find the information and functions they’re looking for?  Can your users understand the concepts and terminology used in your application? Information Architecture is concerned with organizing information – concepts, entities, relationships, functionality, events, content – into a … Continue reading

Posted in Information Architecture, Product Management, Usability, User Experience Design | Leave a comment